With a career spanning over 20 years, Daniel S. Arranz’s path exudes versatility.
Throughout this time, he has combined all the disciplines in the industry: content creation, advertising, realities, children shows, entertainment, fictional series and, more recently, films. His resume therefore includes such different productions like ‘Casi Perfectos’, ‘Herederos’, ‘La República’, ‘El Intermedio’, ‘Liarla Pardo’ or ‘Jelly Jamm’, an international animated series for which he has also served as its coordinator.
More recently, for two seasons he has written for the Netflix series ‘Diablero’.
He is currently writing the film ‘Mi Hijo es el Mejor’ for Morena Films, which will be directed by Víctor García León, as well as his own series ‘Es Complicado’, for Secuoya.