Afioco Gnecco


Director and filmmaker from Italo-Chile. He is an explorer of any kind of artistic expression in the audiovisual medium. After attending film school, his interest led him to delve into disciplines such as photography, video art, “vijing” or directing actors.

As a non-binary trans person, in 2016 he began his audiovisual activism with the NGO Apoyo Positivo, making diversity and vulnerable people within the LGTBI+ collective visible.

In 2017, together with Apoyo Positivo, he created the series INDETECTABLES, a fiction series whose plot helps to make the problem of HIV visible in our society.

“TRANSVERSALES”. Documentary.
Zinegoak.Bilbao. Special Award 2019.
Mostra La Ploma. Valencia. Best Educational Perspective Award 2020.

“DIVERSXS”. Documentary Short Films.
Jury’s Special Mention in LESGAICINEMAD 2016.
Radio Televisión de Andalucía Award for best audiovisual creation at the Córdoba Film Festival.
Best Documentary Short Film Award at the International Short Film Festival “nahia 2016: sex, gender and eroticism”.
Best Documentary Short Film Award at CinHomo Muestra Cine LGBT of Valladolid.
Best Documentary Short Film Award at the International Festival of Social Cinema Castilla-La Mancha “FECISO”.
Best Documentary Short Film Award at the Venezuelan Diversity Film Festival- FESTDIVQ.